Date of Publication : 06, Jun, 2020
Date Of Acceptance : 1 June, 2020
Author: Professor (Mrs.) K. A. OMOTAYO
Co Author: AKINDELE Dare Lawrence (Ph.D)
Area of research / Subject: Effect of Peer-Tutoring On Pre-Service Teachers’ Performance in Basic Science in Nigerian Colleges of Education
This study investigated effect of Peer Tutoring on pre-service teachers’ performance in Basic Science in Nigerian Colleges of Education. The study adopted quasi-experime ntal research design. The sample for the study consists of 124 pre-service teachers was drawn from a total population 1,260 using multistage sampling procedure across six states of the south-west geo-political zone of Nigeria. Two groups were involved in the study: the experimental group and the control group. The pre-service teachers in experimental group were exposed to peer tutoring while the control group was taught with conventional method. Three research instruments were used. They were; Instructional Guide for Peer Tutoring (IGPT), Instructional Guide for Conventional Teaching (IGCT) and Pre-service Teachers’ Achievement Test in Basic Science (PTATBS). One general question was raised to guide the study while one null hypothesis was formulated. The results were descriptively analyzed using mean and standard deviation for the general question and inferential statistics of Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test for the hypothesis formulated for the study at 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that peer tutoring has effects on pre-service teachers’ performance in Basic Science in Nigerian Colleges of Education as it enhances their academic performance. It was recommended that Basic Science lecturers should embrace the use of peer tutoring in order to facilitate performance of pre-service teachers in Basic Science when they are finally practice as classroom teacher.
Keywords: Peer Tutoring, Pre-service, Teachers, Performance, Colleges of Education,
Cite this article:
Author(s), PROFESSOR (MRS.) K. A. OMOTAYO, AKINDELE DARE LAWRENCE (Ph.D.), (2020). “Effect of Peer-Tutoring On Pre-Service Teachers’ Performance in Basic Science in Nigerian Colleges of Education”. Name of the Journal: Commonwealth Journal of Academic Research, (CJAR.EU), P, 23- 31. DOI: , Issue: 3, Vol.: 1, Article: 3, Month: June, Year: 2020. Retrieved from
Published by
ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)
Keywords : Peer Tutoring, Pre-service, Teachers, Performance, Colleges of Education,
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number:
Serial: 3 | Download | Page: 23-31 |